


Published Dec. 20, 2018
Expiration date: 1/5/2019

The applicant, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, has applied for a Department of the Army permit to conduct beach nourishment activities along 2,600 linear feet at Pickering Beach, 4,800 linear feet at Kitts Hummock and 2,200 linear feet at Bowers Beach, along the Delaware Bay east of Dover and Frederica, Kent County Delaware. The applicant proposes to haul in via dump truck, 22,900 cubic yards of sand to Pickering Beach, 23,000 cubic yards of sand to Kitts Hummock and 20,000 cubic yards of sand to Bowers Beach from an inland borrow source. The sand will be placed utilizing off road hauling equipment and shaped with a bulldozer in accordance with the design template.These bay beach communities are subject to significant erosion from increased wave action during storm events. As such, the purpose of the project is to provide erosion and storm damage protection to infrastructure, as well as commercial and private structures and  improve the beach for recreational use. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are due by Jan. 5, 2019.