
Tag: Pennsylvania Turnpike
  • 2014-0045

    Expiration date: 7/26/2021

    The applicant, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is proposing a total roadway reconstruction and widening of the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-476) from four to six travel lanes, from Milepost A37.4 to Milepost A43.3 (MP-A38 to 44), in Salford Township, Montgomery County, and West Rockhill and Milford Townships, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The purpose of the project, as stated by the applicant, is to update the existing Northeast Extension, I-476 to meet current Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration standards to address current safety and traffic issues. More details are available in Public Notice & Plan documents. Public comments are requested by July 26, 2021.