
  • 2021-01100-86

    Expiration date: 7/5/2023

    The applicant, Jim Marshall – BP Point Breeze, LLC, has requested a Department of the Army permit for a proposed project located along the Schuylkill River at 6310 West Passyunk Avenue, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. The proposed project involves constructing a 487,590 square foot modern cross-dock warehouse with 95 trailer parking positions, 244 auto parking spaces, surface and underground stormwater control measures, and permittee responsible wetland mitigation. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" document. Public comments are requested by July 5, 2023.

  • 2017-01069-84

    Expiration date: 7/3/2023

    This Public Notice is in regards to an application (from Atlantic Shores LLC) for a Department of the Army permit to install and maintain two offshore wind energy facilities and the required supporting infrastructure in federal waters at least 8.7 statute miles east of Atlantic City. The applicant's stated purpose of the activity is to develop a wind driven energy generation facility within the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Lease Area OCS-A 0499 that meets the need for competitively priced renewable energy and additional capacity in accordance with state and regional renewable energy demands and goals. BOEM is the lead federal agency for this project, responsible for coordinating review in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Public comments are requested by July 3, 2023. More details are available in the "Public Notice" document. 

  • 2019-00039-96

    Expiration date: 6/15/2023

    The applicant, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, has applied for a Department of the Army permit for a proposed project located along SR 0061, Section 14M in West Mahanoy, Blythe, New Castle and Ryan Townships, as well as Frackville and Saint Clair Boroughs, in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The stated purpose of this project is to provide a safe and efficient transportation system for both local and regional connections by accommodating traffic volumes on S.R. 0061 in the 2040 design year to Level of Service C or better, improving safety and bringing the S.R. 0061 roadway and structures up to current design standards with no or minimal design exceptions. The overall project needs are for improved safety, to relieve congestion, maintenance, and access. Currently, there are portions of retaining walls along the streams that are failing and require replacement or rehabilitation in order to meet the project needs. Public comments are requested by June 15, 2023. More details are available in the "Public Notice" and "Plan Details" attachments.

  • 2018-01087-85

    Expiration date: 5/10/2023

    The applicant, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Watershed Stewardship, has applied for a Department of The Army permit to conduct beach nourishment activities along 2,600 linear feet at Pickering Beach, 4,800 linear feet at Kitts Hummock and 2,200 linear feet at Bowers Beach, along the Delaware Bay east of Dover and Frederica, Kent County Delaware. These bay beach communities are subject to significant erosion from increased wave action during storm events. As such, the purpose of the project is to provide erosion and storm damage protection to infrastructure, as well as commercial and private structures and improve the beach for recreational use. More details are available in the "Public Notice" attachment and "Site locations" attachment. Public comments are requested by May 10, 2023.

  • 2011-00969-85

    The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC), Division of Fish and Wildlife, Mosquito Control Section is seeking a Department of the Army 10 year maintenance permit to continue performing Open Marsh Water Management (OMWM) within the tidal wetlands of Sussex, Kent and New Castle Counties as the primary and preferred mosquito control technique. OMWM provides effective and permanent biological control of larval mosquito populations while significantly reducing the need to apply mosquitocide chemicals. The Delaware Mosquito Control Section has been successfully using OMWM to control mosquitoes in Delaware's tidal marshes since 1979. More details are available in the "Public Notice" and "Open Marsh Water Management Guidelines" attachments. Public comments are requested by May 14, 2023.