PHILADELPHIA -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced the release of a draft report for the Eastwick Flood Risk Management Study. The draft report outlines a ‘Tentatively Selected Plan,’ which includes an approximately 1400-foot levee along the left bank of Cobbs Creek within the Eastwick Regional Park and Clearview Landfill. The levee plan is designed to reduce the risk of flood damages to homes, property, and public infrastructure.
The Draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment details extensive engineering, economic, and environmental analyses conducted to date as part of the study. The public is invited to comment on the report by November 1, 2023 (comment submission instructions are detailed below). the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Office of Sustainability, along with other partners, will be hosting an Open House on Wednesday, Oct. 4 from 5-7 p.m. at the Eastwick Recreation Center. The Open House will be an opportunity to learn more about the study and ask questions to study team members. There will also be information about other types of flood resilience measures, including home retrofits, short-term flood barriers, and an alert and early warning system. More information is available on the Philadelphia Office of Sustainability website.
Levee Background
A levee is an earthen (soil) embankment designed to keep water from flowing out of creek bank and flooding a given area. It does not eliminate flooding from all sources. In its current alignment, the levee plan would reduce flood damages in the Eastwick study area by an average of more than $4 million annually (modeled/averaged over a 50-year period of analysis).
Study Background
The Eastwick neighborhood of Philadelphia experiences recurring flooding that results in considerable economic damages to homes, businesses, industry, and public infrastructure. The objective of this study is to manage flood risk to people, property and infrastructure associated within the study area. The Philadelphia Water Department is the non-federal sponsor for the study.
It’s important to note that the levee outlined in the Tentatively Selected Plan would require consensus/support from a non-federal sponsor, real estate easements, and multiple years of design for potential implementation.
The full report and associated appendices are available at the study webpage.
- Submit comments by email:
- Submit comments by mail: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Planning Division, 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
Release no. 23-025