USACE shares update on Manasquan Inlet

USACE Philadelphia District
Published Aug. 5, 2024

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Philadelphia District shared an update regarding navigation at the Manasquan Inlet in Ocean County, N.J.

USACE is aware of the shoaling within the Manasquan Inlet inside of the south jetty. Currently, USACE is working to obtain hydrographic surveys of the current inlet conditions. Once completed, this information will be posted online for mariners to access and shared with the U.S. Coast Guard.

The USACE Dredge MURDEN is currently scheduled to conduct dredging operations within the inlet later this month and may conduct some operations early this week depending on weather and sea conditions.

It’s important to note that the Manasquan inlet is dynamic and conditions within the inlet can rapidly change.  Significant shoaling has frequently occurred within the Inlet and often dissipates due to changing wind/wave conditions.  

Mariners should heed all warnings from the U.S. Coast Guard and proceed with caution. Additionally, people should avoid walking/recreating on the shoal given the dynamic nature of the inlet and sea conditions.

Steve Rochette

Release no. 24-025