The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District will host its annual Take Pride in Blue Marsh Day on April 21 at the lake.
The day mobilizes volunteers to assist with a variety of projects, including litter clean-up, nature trail maintenance, erosion control projects, wildlife habitat work and tree planting. The Blue Marsh Lake rangers will hold a cookout for volunteers made possible by donations from Reading and Berks County businesses.
Volunteers interested in assisting with litter clean-up should report the Visitors Center, 1268 Palisades Drive, Bern Township, at 9:00 a.m. The rangers will distribute trash collection bags, safety vests, and directions. Boaters who wish to help should also report to the Visitors Center to register and receive instructions.
Scout groups and other organizations interested in participating are required to send a representative to a planning meeting on April 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Ranger Station. For additional information, call 610-376-6337.
The Blue Marsh Lake Conservation Event for Volunteers was started 31 years ago and was originally affiliated with the "Keep America Beautiful, Inc," and "Take Pride in America" programs. The conservation program encourages involvement of the public and organizations in the stewardship of public lands, waters, and parks. The Blue Marsh Lake program has been recognized with national and state awards.
Release no. 12-004