The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District will host Get Outdoors Day at Blue Marsh Lake in Leesport, Penn. on June 15 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Visitors can enjoy free activities, including kayaking, fishing, dam control tower tours, biking, hiking, K9 demonstrations and visits from Bobber the Water Safety Dog and Smokey the Bear. Park Rangers and partner organizations will also hold a number of other water and outdoor safety programs throughout the day.
National Get Outdoors Day is an annual event to encourage healthy and active outdoor fun. The goals of “GO Day” are reaching first-time visitors to public lands and reconnecting youth to the great outdoors. Blue Marsh Lake’s activities celebrate National Trails Day, National Get Outdoors Day, and National Safe Boating Week. More than 40 partner organizations are joining the Army Corps of Engineers at this year’s “GO Day.”
Blue Marsh Lake has more than 36 miles of trails, 1,147 acres of water surface, picnic areas, a small beach and three boat launches.
Release no. 13-012