The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will host on Jan. 28 at 3 p.m. a webinar to discuss with the media the results of a two-year study that evaluated coastal storm and flood risk to vulnerable populations, property, ecosystems, and infrastructure in areas of the Northeast that were affected by Hurricane Sandy.
The study, known as the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study (NACCS), brought together experts from Federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as non-governmental organizations and academia, to assess the flood risks facing coastal communities and ecosystems and collaboratively develop a coastal storm risk management framework to address increasing risks, which are driven in part by increased frequency and intensity of storm events and rising sea levels due to a changing climate.
The conclusions of the study are detailed in the final report, which is expected to be released to the public at 1 p.m. on Jan. 28 at the following site:
During the webinar, experts will provide a short overview of the study’s findings and will be available to answer questions.
Who: USACE coastal storm and flood risk experts
What: USACE will host a webinar to answer questions about the North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive Study, its conclusions on addressing coastal storm and flood risk in the region, and its findings, including areas that remain vulnerable to coastal flooding
Where: Webinar Login
When: Jan. 28 from 3-4 p.m.
Why: USACE is interested in explaining the results of the two-year study to encourage awareness of its coastal storm risk management framework and associated technical products and tools
Media are invited to contact the Corps’ North Atlantic Division with questions or to make interview requests by calling 347-370-4772 or e-mailing Lin Miller.