Tag: response
  • Retirees still finding ways to serve the nation

    Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, retirees across the nation have been finding ways to help their neighbors and fellow citizens. For Ed Mills, Ed Otto, and Beth Utecht, the national crisis also represented an opportunity to serve their country. Since March, all three have worked at FEMA’s Community Vaccination Center (CVC) in Newark, N.J. They serve in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Reemployed Annuitant Cadre, a group of 800 retirees who stand ready to support emergency response efforts across the country.
  • Army Corps completes Alternate Care Facility construction in New Jersey

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District completed construction on a fourth Alternate Care Facility in East Orange, New Jersey as part of the ongoing response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • USACE Philadelphia District supporting response to COVID-19 public health emergency

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District is providing initial planning and engineering support for the States of New Jersey and Delaware to address possible medical facility shortages due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The mission, in support of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the two states, is part of a nationwide federal, state and local effort to respond to the public health emergency.