APPROPRIATION / PHASE: Construction, General
BUSINESS PROGRAM: Flood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction, Ecosystem Restoration
AUTHORITY: The Delaware Bay Coastline, DE & NJ – Port Mahon, DE project was authorized for construction by Title I, Section 101 (a) (12) of WRDA 1999.
LOCATION: The project area is located on Delaware Bay at Port Mahon, Kent County, Delaware.
DESCRIPTION: The plan proposed in the final feasibility report for the purpose of flood and coastal storm damage reduction and ecosystem restoration at Port Mahon consists of a 5,200 foot long beach fill with periodic nourishment to provide for horseshoe crab and shorebird habitat. It also includes raising State Road 89 for a distance of 7,500 feet and placing riprap along a 1,200 foot length of the road to protect wetlands, and restoring 21.4 acres of degraded wetland habitat west of the road. The estimated initial project cost is $13.1 million. The Planning, Engineering and Design phase was completed in FY 2001 with finishing detailed plans and specifications for those features recommended in the feasibility report.
STATUS: Funds have not been received for this project since Fiscal Year 2007. A Limited Reevaluation Report (LRR) was completed and approved in May 2006. These reports are post authorization studies that evaluate a specific portion of the approved plan under current policies, criteria and guidelines, and may be limited to economics, environmental effects or, in rare cases, project formulation. A LRR documents the results of the analysis undertaken. Initiation of construction is dependent on the establishment of adequate funding. The next steps toward initial construction once adequate funding is received is to update the LRR; develop, approve and execute the Project Partnership Agreement; acquire the necessary real estate; complete plans and specifications; and advertise and award the construction contract. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provided a clearance letter for this project to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works in June 2008.
PROJECT GOALS: The purpose of this project provides hurricane and coastal storm damage reduction and ecosystem restoration at Port Mahon, with a beach fill and periodic nourishment to provide for horseshoe crab and shorebird habitat.
NON-FEDERAL SPONSOR: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.