APPROPRIATION / PHASE: Construction, General
BUSINESS PROGRAM: Flood and Coastal Storm Damage Reduction
AUTHORITY: House Committee Resolution dated 01 October 1986. The Delaware Bay Coastline, DE & NJ – Broadkill Beach, DE project was authorized for construction by Title I, Section 101 (a) (11) of WRDA 1999.
LOCATION: The project area is located along the Delaware Bay Coastline at Broadkill Beach, Sussex County, Delaware.
DESCRIPTION: The plan proposed in the final feasibility report for flood and coastal storm damage reduction at Broadkill Beach is a 100 foot wide berm with an elevation of +8.0 feet NGVD, and a dune with an elevation of +16.0 feet NGVD over a total project length of 14,600 feet. The selected plan includes dune grass, dune fencing and suitable advance beach fill and periodic nourishment every five years to ensure the integrity of the design.
STATUS: As part of the initial construction of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening Project there was an opportunity to complete initial construction of the Broadkill project as a beneficial use of dredge material project. USACE completed the work with DNREC and the local community on the necessary coordination and real estate requirements. The contract to complete initial construction was awarded under the Delaware Deepening project on 6 June 2014. Construction began on 30 Apr 2015 and was completed in March 2016. The next step for the Broadkill project once adequate funding is provided is to complete a Limited Reevaluation Report (LRR) to update project information including benefits, costs and environmental information. The LRR would be used to support the development and execution of the Project Partnership Agreement (PPA) with DNREC. A model PPA has been provided to DNREC for review. The PPA will most likely need Corps’ Higher Authority review and ASA(CW) approval in order to execute. An executed PPA is necessary for future periodic nourishment and project eligibility under PL 84-99 Flood Control and Coastal Emergency (FCCE).
PROJECT GOALS: The purpose of this project provides for hurricane and coastal storm damage reduction at Broadkill Beach, dune grass, dune fencing, and suitable advance beach fill and periodic nourishment every five years.
SPONSOR: Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control