Delaware River Main Channel Deepening

USACE Philadelphia District
Published Feb. 22, 2023
The cutterhead of the Dredge Pullen during the first contract of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

The cutterhead of the Dredge Pullen during the first contract of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

The Dredge Pullen works in the Delaware River during the first contract of the Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

The Dredge Pullen works in the Delaware River during the first contract of the Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

The Dredge Pullen works in the Delaware River during the first contract of the Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

The Dredge Pullen works in the Delaware River during the first contract of the Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

The Dredge Pullen works in the Delaware River during the first contract of the Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

The Dredge Pullen works in the Delaware River during the first contract of the Main Channel Deepening project. The 102 mile project deepens the federal channel from 40 to 45 feet.

Aerial view of Delaware River, Dredging

Aerial view of Delaware River, Dredging

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Philadelphia District and its contractor Weeks Marine prepare to begin beachfill construction at Broadkill Beach, Delaware as part of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening project in March of 2015. The project involves dredging sand from the Delaware River to deepen the river for navigation purposes and placing on the beach to reduce future storm damages.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Philadelphia District and its contractor Weeks Marine prepare to begin beachfill construction at Broadkill Beach, Delaware as part of the Delaware River Main Channel Deepening project in March of 2015. The project involves dredging sand from the Delaware River to deepen the river for navigation purposes and placing on the beach to reduce future storm damages.


APPROPRIATION / PHASE: Construction, General


AUTHORITY: The project was authorized for construction by Public Law 102-580, Section 101 (6) of WRDA 1992; modified by Public Law 106-53, Section 308 of WRDA 1999 and further modified by Public Law 106-541, Section 306 of WRDA 2000.

LOCATION: The project area is located within the Delaware Estuary and borders Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.  It extends over 100 miles of the Delaware River from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Camden, New Jersey, to the mouth of the Delaware Bay.

DESCRIPTION: The project included deepening the existing Delaware River Federal Navigation Channel from 40 to 45 feet from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Camden, New Jersey, to the mouth of the Delaware Bay; appropriate bend widening; partial deepening of the Marcus Hook anchorage; and relocation and addition of aids to navigation. Cutter-suction, hopper, and mechanical dredges will be used to remove material from the channel. The dredged material from the Delaware River portion of the project was placed in Federally-owned confined upland disposal facilities and beneficially used in some cases. The project was constructed between 2010-2021. USACE is now engaged in maintenance dredging activities to maintain the 45 foot depth. 

PROJECT GOALS:  The purpose of this project provided for the deepening of the existing Delaware River Federal Navigation Channel, bend widening, partial deepening of the Marcus Hook anchorage; and relocation and addition of aids to navigation. The deeper channel allows for more efficient transportation of containerized, dry and liquid bulk, break bulk, roll-on/roll-off, and project cargoes to and from the Delaware River ports

SPONSOR: PhilaPort (Formerly Philadelphia Regional Port Authority) .