Cedar Creek

Sussex County, DE

Published Nov. 29, 2012

UPDATED: December 2012


APPROPRIATION / PHASE: Operation & Maintenance, General


LOCATION: The project is located north of Milford, Sussex County DE and adjacent to the Mispillion River.

DESCRIPTION:  The existing project was adopted by the Chief of Engineers on 23 December 1981 under the authority of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1960, Section 107.  The waterway provides a channel five feet deep, 80 feet wide and 3,730 feet long from the confluence of Cedar Creek with the Mispillion River to the state launching ramp, and five feet deep and 50 feet wide thereafter for a distance of 2,470 feet to a point 1,000 feet upstream of the State Route 36 Bridge.

STATUS: A channel examination of the project channel was performed in the spring of 2012. Adequate depths presently exist within the project. This waterway is home base for the only launch service that provides safe transport of personnel and supplies to Tanker Vessels anchored in Delaware Bay and the nearby Atlantic Ocean.  The U.S. Coast Guard has expressed concerns in the past that poor channel conditions could delay the response of oil spill emergency clean-up and containment contractors during lower tide stages.  A new channel condition survey will be performed in the spring of FY 2013.  There are no FY 14 funding capabilities identified for this project.


DATA ($000)





FY 10



Impacted by Low Use Navigation Budget cuts

FY 11



Impacted by Low Use Navigation Budget cuts

FY 12



Impacted by Low Use Navigation Budget cuts

FY 13



Impacted by Low Use Navigation Budget cuts

COMMENTS: Environmental Assessment of the channel is prepared with a negative declaration completed on 22 September 1981.

PROJECT MANAGER: Charlie Myers, (215) 656-6736, charles.j.myers@usace.army.mil