US Army Corps of Engineers
Philadelphia District & Marine Design Center Website

Tookany Creek, Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, PA

Published Dec. 20, 2012
A pump house along Tookany Creek in Cheltenham drains water from the leeward side of the levee into the main channel. However, during period of high flow, the water has no where to drain.

A pump house along Tookany Creek in Cheltenham drains water from the leeward side of the levee into the main channel. However, during period of high flow, the water has no where to drain.

Portions of the creek are channelized in concrete flumes. This might appear to help the problem in one area, but only pushes the flooding problems downstream.

Portions of the creek are channelized in concrete flumes. This might appear to help the problem in one area, but only pushes the flooding problems downstream.


APPROPRIATION / PHASE: Continuing Authorities / Feasibility

BUSINESS PROGRAM: Flood Damage Reduction

AUTHORITY: Section 205, Flood Control Act of 1948, as amended.

LOCATION: The study area is within and surrounding Cheltenham Township, just north of Philadelphia, on the southeastern edge of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

DESCRIPTION:  The study area will comprise the Tookany Creek watershed, including, hydrologic analyses within Cheltenham and Abington Townships and Jenkintown and Rockledge Boroughs, hydraulic analyses within Cheltenham Township, environmental impacts within Cheltenham and Abington Townships and Jenkintown and Rockledge Boroughs, and economic analyses within Cheltenham Township. The formulation process involves establishing plan formulation rationale, identification and screening of alternatives, assessment and evaluation of plans responsive to identified problems and needs. The study investigates both structural and non-structural solutions to the flooding problem. Structural measures decrease flood damage by physically limiting the flood-prone area. Non-structural measures reduce the potential for damages for structures and contents in floodplains. These measures do not significantly alter the depth or extent of flooding, but rather the negative impacts on houses and possessions.

PROJECT GOALS: The purpose of this project is to define a technically feasible, economically justified and environmentally acceptable solution to the flooding problems along Tookany Creek in Cheltenham Township and the surrounding areas.

SPONSOR: The sponsor is Cheltenham Township, Montgomery County, PA.

PROJECT MANAGER: Scott Sanderson