Francis E. Walter Dam

White Haven, PA

USACE Philadelphia District
Published Feb. 22, 2023
The Francis E. Walter Dam was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1961 and has prevented more than $220 million in flood damages. It also supports recreation in the Lehigh Valley with planned fishing and whitewater rafting water releases.

The Francis E. Walter Dam was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1961 and has prevented more than $220 million in flood damages. It also supports recreation in the Lehigh Valley with planned fishing and whitewater rafting water releases.

The Francis E. Walter Dam was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1961 and has prevented more than $220 million in flood damages. It also supports recreation in the Lehigh Valley with planned fishing and whitewater rafting water releases.

The Francis E. Walter Dam was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1961 and has prevented more than $220 million in flood damages. It also supports recreation in the Lehigh Valley with planned fishing and whitewater rafting water releases.

The Francis E. Walter Dam was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1961 and has prevented more than $220 million in flood damages. It also supports recreation in the Lehigh Valley with planned fishing and whitewater rafting water releases.

The Francis E. Walter Dam was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1961 and has prevented more than $220 million in flood damages. It also supports recreation in the Lehigh Valley with planned fishing and whitewater rafting water releases.

Project Index Map for Francis E. Walter Dam

Project Index Map for Francis E. Walter Dam

The primary purpose of the Francis E. Walter Dam is flood control. Recreation is a secondary mission as whitewater and fishery releases are planned every year.

The primary purpose of the Francis E. Walter Dam is flood control. Recreation is a secondary mission as whitewater and fishery releases are planned every year.


APPROPRIATION / PHASE: Operation & Maintenance, General

BUSINESS PROGRAM: Flood Damage Reduction

LOCATION: Confluence of Bear Creek and Lehigh River

DESCRIPTION: The project provides for multi-purpose development for water supply, recreation and flood control. The existing dam, completed under the 1946 Flood Control Act as a single purpose flood control project, is located on the Lehigh River, five miles above White Haven, Pa. The project reduces flood risks for multiple downstream communities. Whitewater and fishing industries utilize dam releases and there is significant interest from the public, stakeholders and elected officials in these programs. Project lake operations continue to have a positive impact on the regional economy as well as producing environmental benefits.

STATUS: Whitewater and fishing industries utilize dam releases and there is significant interest from the public, stakeholders and elected officials in these programs. Project lake operations continue to have a positive impact on the regional economy and producing environmental benefits.

PROJECT GOALS: The purpose of this project provides for improvements including  altering the spillway, increasing the height of the dam, extending the outlet tunnel, constructing new dikes and raising the height of existing dikes.

PROJECT MANAGER: Monica A. Chasten