Nassau County Back Bays Coastal Storm Risk Management Study

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced the release of a draft report for the Nassau County Back Bays Coastal Storm Risk Management Study. The report outlines a ‘Tentatively Selected Plan’ framework, which includes the elevation of more than 14,000 residential structures and dry flood proofing of more than 2,500 industrial/commercial properties to reduce the risk of flood damages associated with storm surge. It’s important to note that the plan is subject to change. It has not yet been approved by higher authorities, including Congress, and has not been funded for implementation at the federal or state level. The study team prepared the draft Report to present findings, technical analyses, and outline a Tentatively Selected Plan. The document describes engineering, economic, social, and environmental analyses.

USACE hosted virtual public meetings to discuss the report and answer questions. 

USACE hosted virtual public meetings on Sept 29, 2021 and Oct. 6, 2021. 

The purpose of the Nassau County Back Bays feasibility study is to investigate potential ways to reduce the risk to people, critical infrastructure, and businesses caused by coastal storms such as Hurricane Sandy. The study team is investigating potential solutions that could reduce flood risk in ways that support the long‐term resilience and sustainability of communities and the environment, and that reduce the economic costs and risks associated with coastal storm damage. The team will look into the feasibility of a number of measures, which includes but is not limited to storm surge barriers, bulkheads, floodwalls, levees, seawalls, shoreline stabilization, stormwater improvements, beach nourishment, living shorelines, wetland restoration, and the elevation, floodproofing, and/or relocation of structures.

Potential Measures Under Consideration

Non-structural management measures are intended to reduce consequences flooding has on assets exposed to flood risk, as opposed to a structural measures that alter the characteristics or the probability of occurrence of flood risk. Elevating a structure is an example of a non-structural measure.
Natural and nature-based features such as living shorelines are potential solutions under consideration as part of the study. Natural coastal features take a variety of forms, including reefs, barrier islands, dunes, beaches, wetlands, and maritime forests.
Floodwalls are a measure under consideration as part of the study. Floodwalls are vertical structures constructed with steel or concrete that are used to reduce risk of flooding. Floodwalls are most commonly used where there is limited space for large flood protection measures.
Storm surge barriers consist of a series of movable gates that stay open under normal conditions to let navigation and flow pass but are closed when storm surges are predicted to exceed a specific water level. This is one of several measures under consideration as part of the study.
Bulkheads are vertical structures with the primary purpose of retaining land that adjoins a water body. Bulkheads, unlike floodwalls and levees, are generally constructed at or near the existing grade and flood risk management is of secondary importance.

Study Area Map


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Planning Division


Recording of Oct 6, 2021 Virtual Public Meeting

Recording of Sept. 29, 2021 Public Meeting

Video of June 27 2019 Public Meeting in Long Beach

Video of June 12 2019 Public Meeting in Freeport