US Army Corps of Engineers
Philadelphia District & Marine Design Center Website

Southeastern PA Environmental Improvements Program

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Environmental Improvement Program, authorized by Section 566 of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 1996, as amended, provides design and construction assistance to non-Federal interests for carrying out water related environmental infrastructure, and resource protection and development projects in southeastern Pennsylvania, including projects for wastewater treatment and related facilities, water supply and related facilities, and surface water resource protection and development. Section 552 of WRDA 1999 amended the authority to include environmental restoration as an authorized project purpose under this program. 

The process consists of three phases: 

  • Project Approval 
  • Project Design,  
  • Project Construction  

All phases are costs-shared with a non-Federal sponsor with the sponsor providing 25% of the total project costs. Funding is provided by Congress through appropriations for Environmental Infrastructure and distributed to projects through the annual work. 

Current Projects

Completed Projects



USACE Philadelphia District
100 Penn Square E.
Philadelphia, PA 19107