Dams reduce, but do not eliminate the risks associated with flood events. A fully-functioning dam could be overtopped when a rare, large flood occurs, or a dam could breach because of a deficiency - both of these possibilities pose risk of property damage and life loss. To manage these risks USACE has a routine program that inspects and monitors its dams regularly. USACE implements short and long term actions, on a prioritized basis, when unacceptable risks are found at any of its dams.
Based upon the most recent risk assessment in 2016, Jadwin Dam is considered to have a higher risk primarily due to the potential for internal erosion in the embankment during a significant flooding event. As a result of this finding, USACE has implemented a number of measures to reduce risk in the interim, including increasing inspections and monitoring. USACE condcuted the Jadwin Dam Safety Modification Study. This multi-year effort identified and recommended a risk management plan that includes making improvements to the upstream embankment of the dam to reduce risk associated with the dam. Work includes the installation of a geosynthetic liner system on part of the upstream slope and crest of Jadwin Dam. USACE awarded a contract in 2022 with work estimated for completion in Spring 2023.