Tag: F.E. Walter Dam
  • Army Corps updates recreational water release schedule for Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2023 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir. Currently, there is enough water storage to schedule the 11th and 12th increments of the plan.
  • Army Corps adds additional recreational water releases from Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2023 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir.
  • Army Corps shares update on Francis E. Walter Dam water release schedule

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2023 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir.
  • Army Corps updates Francis E. Walter Dam water release schedule

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2023 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan.
  • Army Corps shares update on Francis E. Walter Dam water release schedule

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2023 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir.
  • Army Corps shares 2023 plan for Francis E. Walter Dam recreational water releases

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District shared the 2023 Recreation Plan for the Francis E. Walter Dam. The plan specifies dates and actions associated with whitewater and fishing releases from the dam from late March to early October of 2023. USACE coordinates the plan with the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
  • Army Corps shares details for final water releases of recreation season

    WHITE HAVEN, PA (October 5, 2022) – The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District shared details for the final recreational water releases (also known as the ‘mega release') from the Francis E. Walter Dam.
  • Army Corps updates water release schedule for Francis E. Walter Dam

    PHILADELPHIA – The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District announced an update to the 2022 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps is implementing a reduced version of the 5th increment of the recreation plan, which includes fisheries enhancement releases from August 13 through September 2. After discussions with the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, water releases will be in the range of the 70-75 cubic feet per second over inflow with a maximum discharge of 300 cubic feet per second.
  • Army Corps updates water release schedule for Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District announced an update to the 2022 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan.
  • Army Corps updates water release schedule for Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2022 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir.