Type of Assistance
Eligibility Criteria
- Do field reconnaissance to evaluate flood potential
- Special condition or unusual concern
- Provide technical assistance
- Assist in rescue operations
- Furnish floodfighting materials
- Contract for emergency construction
- Supplemental to state and local resources
- Temporary in nature
- Subordinate to local responsibility
- Removal of work by local sponsor
- No assistance to individuals
- No reimbursement to local interests
- Provide technical assistance
- Do emergency debris removal
- Temporarily restore critical transportation routes or public services and facilities
- Written request from the governor concurrent with request for public disaster assistance by FEMA
- Limited to life-threatening situations
- Limited to 10 days from date of request
- Summarize disaster operations
- Evaluate strengths and weaknesses
- Recommend corrective actions
- Report required whenever district delegated authority is exceeded in any Code 200 feature