Direct Support to State and Local Governments

 Disaster Preparedness — Class 100


Type of Assistance
Eligibility Criteria
  • Planning
  • Prepare for quick and effective response to emergencies
  • Division and district disaster preparedness programs are funded annually according to organizational requirements
  • Training & Exercises
  • Maintain organization capable of responding quickly

  •  Supplies
  • Stockpile critical floodfighting materials
  •  Public Assistance
  •  Conduct liaison, coordination, and inspection activities
 Emergency Operations — Class 200


Type of Assistance
Eligibility Criteria
  • Field Investigation

  • Do field reconnaissance to evaluate flood potential
  • Special condition or unusual concern
  • Flood Response

  • Provide technical assistance
  • Assist in rescue operations
  • Furnish floodfighting materials
  • Contract for emergency construction
  • Supplemental to state and local resources
  • Temporary in nature
  • Subordinate to local responsibility
  • Removal of work by local sponsor
  • No assistance to individuals
  • No reimbursement to local interests
  •  Post-Flood Response
  • Provide technical assistance
  • Do emergency debris removal
  • Temporarily restore critical transportation routes or public services and facilities
  • Written request from the governor concurrent with request for public disaster assistance by FEMA
  • Limited to life-threatening situations
  • Limited to 10 days from date of request
  •  After-Action Report
  • Summarize disaster operations
  • Evaluate strengths and weaknesses
  • Recommend corrective actions
  •  Report required whenever district delegated authority is exceeded in any Code 200 feature
 Rehabilitation — Class 300


Type of Assistance
Eligibility Criteria
  • Field Investigation
  • Investigate eligibility and prepare report
  • Written request from a public entity

  • Project

  • Repair any flood control structure
  • Repair only federally constructed hurricane or shore protection structures
  • Must be damaged by flood or coastal storm
  • Project must provide dependable and effective flood control system
  • Restoration to pre-disaster condition (modification may be authorized)
  • Economically justified
  • Maintenance deficiencies are local responsibility
  • 20 percent local cost share for non-federal projects
 Water Assistance — Class 400


Type of Assistance
Eligibility Criteria
  • Field Investigation

  • Investigate eligibility and prepare report
  • Written request
  • Assistance due to contaminated source
  • Provide clean source of water
  • Contaminated source
  • Threat to public health and welfare
  • Supplemental to state and local resources
  • Governor's written request
  • 30-day limitation
  • Assistance due to drought
  • Drill wells on a reimbursable basis
  • Transport water at federal expense
  • Designation by Secretary of Army of drought-distressed area
  • Water for human consumption only
  • Applicants may be farmers, ranchers or political subdivisions through local government
 Advance Measures — Class 500


Type of Assistance
Eligibility Criteria
  • Field Investigation
  • Investigate eligibility and prepare report
  • Written request from Governor

  • Project

  • Do preventive work prior to predicted unusual flooding
  • Do work related to ice jam removal, snowmelt flooding, potential dam failure or special cases at the discretion of the director of civil works
  • Prediction of unusual flooding by NWS or corps
  • Threat to life or improved property
  • Complements maximum state and local efforts
  • Work completed in time to prevent damages
  • Technically feasible
  • Economically justified
  • Removal or upgrades performed by sponsor
 Hazard Mitigation — Class 600


Type of Assistance
Eligibility Criteria
  • Team Member
  • Identify post-flood mitigation responsibilities
  • Establish framework for recovery
  • Presidentially declared major disaster
  • Activation of hazard mitigation team by FEMA