The applicant, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, proposes a beach re-nourishment project within the area designated for the federal beach project by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers known as "Barnegat Inlet to Little Egg Inlet (Long Beach Island). The proposed borrow site for obtaining sand would be an area in the Atlantic Ocean, just outside Little Egg Inlet, beginning approximately 3,000 feet east of the shoreline on the south side of the inlet (Galloway Township, Atlantic County), and extending approximately 9,000 feet to the southeast from there. A maximum of 1,500,000 cubic yards of sand would be pumped hydraulically via a cutter-head pipeline dredge to the beach from the proposed off-shore borrow site. The proposed beach fill would cover an area totaling 133.106 acres in both municipalities. The proposed beach fill would cover an area totaling 133.106 acres in both municipalities. More details are available in the attached "Public Notice & Plans" document. Public comments are requested by May 13, 2017.