
Archive: 2024
  • NAP-2024-00546-95

    Expiration date: 10/9/2024

    The stated purpose of this project is to maintain safe navigational depths for transiting emergency, commercial, and recreational vessels.

  • NAP-2024-00231-97

    Expiration date: 9/21/2024

    Reference is made to Department of the Army New Jersey State Programmatic General Permit-19 (SPGP-19), initially issued on March 23, 1984, authorizing certain existing and proposed piers, docks, mooring piles, boat lifts, breakwaters, and the replacement of existing serviceable bulkhead structures in navigable waters of the United States within the geographic boundaries of New Jersey. This general permit is applicable to the appropriate navigable waters located within the geographic boundaries of both the Philadelphia District and the New York District of the Corps of Engineers.

  • NAP-2024-00443-100

    Expiration date: 9/22/2024

    The purpose of this project is to maintain safe depths for recreational navigation in the following waterways: Windy Cove, Hancy’s Pond, Worden’s Oyster Pond, Stouts Creek, Sunrise Beach, and Bayside Beach.

  • NAP-2023-00426-101

    Expiration date: 9/15/2024

    The Philadelphia District has received a proposal to amend the Pennsylvania Statewide Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument by establishing a new wetland and stream compensatory mitigation site for federal and state permits. The proposed bank site (“site”) is located approximately 1,000 linear feet northwest of the intersection of Penn Drive and Cold Spring Lane in Andreas, Pennsylvania 18211. The site is entirely within West Penn Township, Schuylkill County. The site is approximately 56 acres in size and comprises perennial and intermittent streams (including Mahoning Creek); palustrine forested, scrub-shrub, and emergent wetlands; upland forests; and fields (previous/current agricultural use). The site is located within the Delaware River basin.

  • Special Public Notice - Tropical Storm Debby Storm Damage Repair

    The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that repairs of damage to public and private property caused by Tropical Storm Debby and associated flooding and weather conditions, may be authorized, subject to the procedures described in this Public Notice in Maryland, the District of Columbia, certain military installations in Northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania.