


Published June 1, 2017
Expiration date: 6/16/2017

The applicant, Barnegat Township in Ocean County, NJ, proposes to place sand in areas of Federal jurisdiction to replenish a public beach. Fill material would be obtained from a local quarry and transported via truck to the project site. Material would be stockpiled on-shore, landward of the high tide line, before being placed in the waterway using standard construction equipment. Standard construction equipment would be used to manipulate the sand on the beach. The work would only be performed during low tide to minimize levels of turbidity in the waterway. Approximately 0.3 acres waterward of the high tide line would be impacted by the project. No fill, waterward of the high tide line has occurred previously at the site. More details can be found in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comment deadline is on June 16, 2017.