


Published Nov. 6, 2018
Expiration date: 11/21/2018

The applicant, Hueber Launch Services, proposes to perform dredging and bank stabilization along the Delaware River at 45 East Delaware Street, Marcus Hook Borough, Delaware County. The work would involve the immediate dredging by mechanical method of 93 cubic yards of sediment (largely gravel and cobbles) from 315 square feet below the mean high water line to a maximum depth of 5 feet below mean low water (3 feet design depth and 2 further feet of overdredging allowance). However, the applicant also requests approval for dredging every 2 years over a 10 year period for maintenance dredging to same depth within a 0.1 acre template. All materials would be temporarily stockpiled on uplands at the site and de-watered within a sandbag and Jersey barrier enclosure for de-watering. Ultimately, the dredged materials would be spread over uplands on the site and stabilized. More information is available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are due by Nov. 21, 2018.