


Published April 4, 2019
Expiration date: 5/4/2019

The applicant, Delaware River Partners LLC, proposes to construct a second mooring structure, including an associated trestles, mooring dolphins, breasting dolphins, a shared dolphin, associated walkways and an internal pipe system for the transfer of product. Mechanical dredging would also be performed in the waterway. The location is in the Gibbstown Section of Greenwich Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. The site previously was known as the E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Repauno Works. The applicant’s stated purpose is to redevelop a site and create a deep water marine terminal structure that can accommodate 2 vessels simultaneously. Each vessel would be a maximum length of 966 feet, a beam width of 155, with a maximum of a 42 foot draft. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are due by May 4, 2019.