


Published Aug. 19, 2019
Expiration date: 9/18/2019

The applicant, the Borough of Tuckerton in Ocean County, New Jersey, proposes to perform ten-year maintenance dredging of the following waterways within the Little Egg Harbor/Tuckerton Bay watershed, identified as Thompson's Creek, Paradise Cove Lagoons, Tuckerton Beach Lagoons, Tuckerton Creek, and Tuckerton Creek Lagoons.  All resultant dredged material, estimated to total approximately 77,500-cubic yards of silt and sand, would be transported to temporary upland disposal sites for dewatering; with subsequent permanent upland offsite disposal. The stated purpose of the activity is to restore and maintain safe navigational depths for recreational and emergency vessels. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are due by Sept. 18, 2019.