US Army Corps of Engineers
Philadelphia District & Marine Design Center Website




Published Sept. 9, 2020
Expiration date: 10/9/2020

The applicant, JPC Group, Incorporated, proposes to reconfigure an existing port facility by filling in a lagoon that was formed after a previously existing bulkhead failed, install a reverse “Z” shaped high deck, install 6 breasting/mooring dolphins, 2 turning dolphins and remove an existing earthen pier. The location for the proposed work is 2600R Penrose Ferry Road, in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. The applicant’s stated purpose is to create an updated port facility for the use as a marine construction yard and dock facility; and for loading and unloading of bulk materials and equipment. Public comments are due by Oct. 9, 2020. More details are available in the "Public Notice" and "Plans" documents.