On September 15, 2020, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published in the Federal Register its proposal to reissue the 52 existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and issue five new NWPs. Nationwide permits are general permits issued on a nationwide basis to streamline the authorization of activities that result in no more than minimal individual and cumulative adverse environmental effects. Division Engineers are authorized to add regional conditions specific to the needs and/or requirements of a particular region or state. Regional conditions are an important mechanism to help ensure that the adverse environmental effects of activities authorized by the NWPs are no more than minimal, both individually and cumulatively. The attachments to this public notice (Enclosure 1- 4) list the proposed regional conditions currently under consideration by the Corps Great Lakes and Ohio River Division and the North Atlantic Division for the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the District of Columbia, and for Fort Belvoir, Fort Myer, and the Pentagon in Virginia. The Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia Corps Districts are seeking comments on the proposed regional conditions and seeking comments on the need for additional regional conditions to help ensure that the adverse environmental effects of activities authorized by the proposed NWPs are no more than minimal, individually and cumulatively. Public comments are due by Nov. 14, 2020.