This Public Notice is issued jointly by the Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. On July 1, 2016 the District Engineers for Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Districts, issued the Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit - 5 (PASPGP-5) for a five-year period. The PASPGP-5 will expire on June 30, 2021, unless a decision is made to suspend, or revoke the permit before that date. The Army Corps districts have been working on development of a new Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit, PASPGP-6, and issued a draft of the permit for public comment on September 4, 2020 (SPN 20-57). The goal is to have PASPGP-6 issued prior to July 1, 2021, however if issuance is delayed, the Corps is considering reinstatement of the previously suspended NWPs. With the PASPGP-5 expiring on June 30, 2021, and most of the referenced NWPs suspended in Pennsylvania, any delay in issuance of the PASPGP-6 would require most regulated activities to be authorized through a Department of the Army Standard Individual Permit. Reinstatement of the NWPs would allow for proposed regulated activities to be authorized by an applicable NWP, instead of the Standard Individual Permit process, provided the work complies with the terms and conditions of the NWPs. More details are available in the "Public Notice" document. Comments are requested by May 27, 2021.