The applicant, the Borough of Ocean Gate, proposes to perform beach and dune restoration and to construct wave attenuation and dissipation structures along approximately 1 mile of waterfront. The project would include the discharge of approximately 10,000 cubic yards of fill materials into approximately 3 acres of
waters below the high tide line. The location for the proposed work is various waterfront locations along E. Riviera Ave. from a point just west of Ocean Gate Avenue to a point just west of Narragansette Avenue, Borough of Ocean Gate, Ocean County, New Jersey. The applicant’s stated project purpose is to protect the Borough's structures, essential services, infrastructure and utilities from damage due to minor and major flooding events, including wave action which results in damage to structures as well as erosion to the shore. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are due by Feb. 18, 2022.