


USACE Philadelphia District
Published June 27, 2022
Expiration date: 7/28/2022

The applicant, the Township of Brick in Ocean County, NJ, has requested Department of the Army authorization to perform ten (10)-year maintenance dredging of forty three (43) township waterways, with the proposed “township-wide” maintenance dredging program targeting substantial shoaling that has built up over the last century, including recent sediment deposited by Superstorm Sandy and Winter Storm Jonas. All of the work would be accomplished via hydraulic cutterhead or mechanical dredge. The stated purpose of this project is to maintain safe navigational depths for transiting emergency, commercial, and recreational vessels; and restore a manmade subaqueous borrow pit feature formed by historical sand mining activities. More details are available in the "Public Notice" document. Public comments are requested by July 28, 2022.