

2017-00135-84 Extension

USACE Philadelphia District
Published July 18, 2022
Expiration date: 8/16/2022

This Public Notice is being issued to extend the comment period for a previous Public Notice (NAP-2017-00135-84) in response to a request citing the unprecedented scope of this application. The revised comment period will close 60 days from the date of the original public notice, terminating on August 16, 2022. The applicant, Ocean Wind LLC, proposes to install and maintain an offshore wind energy facility and the required supporting infrastructure. The project includes up to 98 wind turbine generators (WTGs), up to three offshore alternating current (AC) substations, array cables linking the individual turbines to the offshore substation(s), one substation interconnector cable linking two offshore substations to each other, offshore export cables, an onshore export cable system which includes underground cables, two onshore substations, and connections to the existing electrical grid in New Jersey. Public comments are requested by Aug. 16, 2022.