


USACE Philadelphia District Regulatory
Published Aug. 23, 2024
Expiration date: 9/22/2024

The applicant, Lacey Township, has requested Department of the Army (DA) authorization to perform maintenance dredging of six (6) township waterbodies for a ten (10)-year time period. Work would be primarily accomplished using a mechanical dredge via one (1) large flat-top barge with a long reach or clam-shell excavator. All resultant dredged material, estimated to be approximately 74,004 cubic yards of sand and silt, would be removed from approximately 28.6 acres. Material would be placed on up to six (6) hopper barges and either directly offloaded to trucks or other staging areas via use of a clamshell excavator. Spill plates will be installed to prevent incidental fallback during offloading. Direct truck loading is the preferred offloading option. When use of a staging area is anticipated, the locations will be selected to have the least amount of public impact as possible. Any dewatering of material within staging areas will not result in a discharge of dredged material to a waterbody. Triaxle trucks used for transporting the material will be equipped with gasketed, sealed tail gates and mud locks to prevent leakage while en route to the Oyster Creek Confined Disposal Facility (CDF) for beneficial reuse.

LOCATION: Windy Cove, Hancy’s Pond, Worden’s Oyster Pond, Stouts Creek, Sunrise Beach, and Bayside Beach in Lacey Township, Ocean County, New Jersey