

2012-138 Township of Berkeley

Published March 28, 2014
Expiration date: 4/12/2014
The applicant proposes to construct a shoreline stabilization project, including the placement of concrete cable matting, stone rip-rap and a groin structure.  The matting would be placed in two separate areas:  A) from the Seabright Avenue right-of-way extending approximately 160 feet to the east; and B) from the western edge of Bar Harbor Lagoon extending approximately 110 feet westward along the shoreline.  Sand would be placed in the void areas of the matting where saltmarsh cord grass (Spartina alterniflora) is to be planted.  Any areas below the mean low water line that require stabilization would be back-filled with ¾-inch stone rip-rap.  The total area below the high tide line (HTL) impacted by the proposed stabilization would be 470 square feet (0.011 acre), with 28 cubic yards of concrete matting and stone rip-rap.