Maintenance dredging of an area previously authorized; dredging was previously conducted under U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Permit # CENAP-OR-R-199901059 and Delaware DNREC Subaqueous Lands Permit # SP-081/09. The applicant proposes to dredge by hydraulic means approximately 1,475 cubic of material from approximately 30,000 square feet (approximately 0.70 acre) of underwater area out-shore of the foot of the Augustine Beach Boat Ramp to a depth ranging up to 4.0 feet below mean low water at a distance of approximately 400 feet from the toe of the ramp. A state owned 14 inch hydraulic dredge would be utilized to pump the dredged material. Material to be dredged consists of approximately 75% silt and 25% sand, and would be disposed on in an approximately 1.77 acre intertidal sandy-gravel beach area immediately downstream of a stone breakwater structure at the southerly limit of the boat ramp site. Deposition would be to a height estimated to be 1.0 foot above existing grade. At the present time the ramp in un-usable during mean low water due to sedimentation out-shore of the ramp. Of the total proposed beach disposal area, 76,945 square feet (1.77 acres) is below the High Tide Line and 13,068 square feet (0.30 acre) is in uplands.