


Published May 6, 2014
Expiration date: 5/21/2014

This District has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344).

The purpose of this notice is to solicit comments and recommendations from the public concerning issuance of a Department of the Army permit for the work described below.

  • APPLICANT: South Jersey Port Corporation
  • AGENT: Mr. Kevin R. Casey, S.T. Hudson Engineers, Incorporated, 840 Cooper Street, Fourth Floor, Camden, New Jersey 08102
  • WATERWAY: Delaware River
  • LOCATION: Broadway Terminal, 2500 South Broadway, identified as Lot 1, Block 41, City of Camden, Camden County, New Jersey.

The applicant proposes to modify the existing Pier 1A (originally approved by this office on 3 February 2004 under Department of the Army individual permit CENAP-OP-R-200300936). The proposed modification is the extension of 150 linear feet of new crane railway on top of the existing decking. The railway extension would require the placement of approximately nine (9) new 16 inch diameter concrete filled steel piles below the mean high water line and relocation of existing utilities on or within the deck surface but not below the water. Piles to be placed would include the discharge of a total of 7 cubic yards of poured concrete within 12.5 square feet of waterway below the high tide line.

The applicant has described the subject piling driving as follows. Each pile would be driven to the point of refusal by vibration with the balance of driving completed by impact hammer. The best approximation for vibrating time would be 180-seconds per pile (give or take 30 seconds). The estimated amount of impact 'blows' would be around 500 per pile (depending on site conditions). When impact hammering is used, a cushion would be employed as comprised of a high impact phenolic laminate, alloyed nylon blocks and rubber matting with plastic & wood. The cushion protects the pile driver as well as deadens sound. The applicant has stated that no dredging of regulated waters would be required for the completion of the project.

PURPOSE: The applicant's stated purpose for rail extension is to accommodate all tenants utilizing the pier in a more efficient manner. The applicant states the current configuration requires continual backward and forward motion of the ship to load and un-load materials.