

2015-483-35 Ocean County Dept of Parks & Rec

Published Oct. 16, 2015
Expiration date: 11/12/2015

The applicant proposes to discharge fill material into waters of the U.S. to perform shoreline protection and for creation of a living shoreline bank stabilization at Berkeley Island County Park (enclosures 3 through 8). The project involves work on the north and south sides of the main access roadway (Brennan Concourse). Proposed work on the south side of the park includes construction of 5 stone/wood breakwaters, occupying 0.409 acres of sub-tidal shallows, off-shore of the park to maintain approximately 0.50 acres of sand discharged/placed below the High Tide Line to create a stable living shoreline and wetland system. The breakwaters are separated to allow tidal flow into the created wetland area. The area behind the stone/wood breakwater would then be planted with native salt marsh vegetation. 

Additionally, an existing stone jetty, would be extended and would occupy 0.046 acres of sub-tidal habitat, in order to protect 0.270 acres of restored beach habitat. The beach has eroded due to recent storm activity. Proposed regulated work on the north side of the park involves the discharge of rock rip rap, mostly on top of existing stone, to protect the north shoreline from erosion. Maintenance of the existing revetment would involve the discharge of fill material into 0.26 acres of inter tidal habitat. Extension of the revetment as breakwater would result in the discharge of stone into 0.096 acres of sub-tidal habitat. The breakwater is proposed to protect the shoreline immediately adjacent to the park access road which has suffered significant erosion. The applicant has also proposed to replace, within 24" of the existing structure, 575' linear feet of vinyl bulkhead to protect the northern portion of the park.