


Published Dec. 4, 2015
Expiration date: 12/19/2015

The applicant, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Watershed Stewardship, has applied for a 10-year maintenance dredging permit.  The applicant proposes to conduct hydraulic maintenance dredging of the channel to/from the Holts Landing State Park boat ramp to a depth of -4’ MLW measuring approximately 66,420 square feet at Holts Landing State Park in the Indian River Bay, Dagsboro, Sussex County, Delaware.  The dredged material will be hydraulically pumped 1,200 linear feet west of the boat ramp and will be utilized to create approximately 55,615 square feet of beach to protect an eroding shoreline.  The dimensions of the structures are indicated on the attached plans identified as E-1 through E-4.