The applicant is proposing to construct a transient marina adjacent to Pearl Avenue, in the City of Burlington, Burlington County, New Jersey. From an existing upland path, a ten (10) foot long fixed landing, attached to the existing bulkhead would extend approximately six (6) feet waterward of mean high water. A forty (40) foot long, four (4) foot wide floating aluminum gangway would be located parallel to the shoreline. A thirty two (32) foot long, eight (8) foot wide floating aluminum dock would be attached to the gangway and extend perpendicular to the shoreline. Approximately sixteen (16) foot waterward of the gangway, fifteen (15) foot long, four (4) foot wide aluminum ramp would connect one hundred fifty (150) foot long, six (6) foot wide galvanized steel floating dock would be constructed parallel to the bulkhead, heading downstream. At the downstream end of this structure, a three (3) pile dolphin would be constructed. At the waterward end of the perpendicular structure, a two hundred sixty (260) foot long, eight (8) foot wide galvanized steel dock with wooden deck would be constructed parallel to the shoreline, facing upstream. At both ends of this waterward most structure, three (3) pile dolphin would be constructed. All dolphins would be made from 3 concrete filled steel piles with three (3) inch thick non-polluting timber planks attached to form a “V” shape.