Proposed work adjacent to the Bethany Beach Loop Canal in the Town of Bethany Beach, Sussex County, Delaware.
Within the overall property, the plans have identified an area labeled as the Limits of Planned Residential Development (PRD) totaling 3.47 acres. Within this PRD the applicant is proposing to fill and disturb a total area measuring 1.95 acres of land area to accommodate the construction of a six unit multi-family residential development. This total acreage of 1.95 acres would include the filling of 1.92 acres of non-tidal forested wetlands and 0.03 acres of existing upland along Route 26. The proposed project would include fill areas to accommodate roadway and parking areas, utilities, building pads and storm water management. The applicant has stated that the remaining undisturbed land area within the PRD measuring 1.52 acres would be protected through a deed restriction for future protection and conveyed to the home owners association. Ownership of the remaining portion of the overall property measuring 8.85 acres would be retained by the applicant. Plans of the proposed work are attached.