The applicant proposes to install a wastewater outfall pipeline via directional drilling and to install a diffuser in the Delaware River. The directional drilling equipment would be staged landward of mean high water in uplands. The twenty four (24) inch pipeline would be installed a minimum of twenty four (24) feet below the existing grade of the river. The pipeline would slope in an upward manner until it reaches the location where it would breach the substrate. The pipeline would extend approximately two hundred forty (240) feet waterward of mean high water. The waterward end of the pipeline would have a diffuser attached to disperse the treated wastewater. The diffuser would consist of a twelve (12) inch pipeline that would extend approximately fifty four (54) feet from the wastewater pipeline. Three (3) openings would be located on the diffuser to disperse the wastewater. Four (4) timber bents would be installed to support the diffuser. The work would be performed using both barge mounted equipment and divers in the water. The diffuser pipe would be located thirteen (13) feet below mean low water, at the diffuser’s highest point. The waterward end of the diffuser would be located approximately two hundred fifty (252) feet from the edge of the Marcus Hook Anchorage Limits and approximately two thousand five hundred fifty three (2553) linear feet from the edge of the Federal navigation channel.