Tag: dam
  • USACE updates road status at Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District announced that the roadway across the top of the Francis E. Walter Dam has re-opened to vehicular traffic following the completion of maintenance work. It’s important to note that the park access road is not designed as a through road. Federal law prohibits vehicles with a gross vehicle weight above 32,000 pounds (16 tons) from traveling across the dam. Vehicles with a gross vehicle weight above 32,000 pounds should find an alternate route.
  • Army Corps updates Francis E. Walter Dam water release schedule

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2023 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan.
  • Army Corps shares update on Francis E. Walter Dam water release schedule

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2023 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir.
  • Army Corps shares details on final recreational water release of season at Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District announced the schedule for the final water release of the recreation season for the Francis E. Walter Dam in White Haven, PA.
  • Army Corps updates water release schedule at Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2019 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir. Precipitation throughout the early part of the summer has enabled the Army Corps to schedule the first five increments of the plan.
  • Army Corps updates water release schedule at Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District has updated the recreation plan for the Francis E. Walter Dam. The Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir. Precipitation throughout the spring and summer has allowed the Corps to add the first five increments of the plan, which includes 4 additional whitewater releases and fisheries enhancement water releases from July 26-Sept 12