Archive: June, 2021
  • USACE senior leaders visit Philadelphia District

    Mr. Jaime Pinkham, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, and Maj. Gen. Butch Graham, USACE Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations, visited Philadelphia District projects and met with partners in Delaware and Maryland on June 15-16, 2021.
  • Army Corps to conduct repairs on St. Georges Bridge

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Philadelphia District and its contractor Freyssinet, Inc. will be completing joint seal repairs on the St. Georges Bridge in Delaware. Work will begin Monday June 14 and last for about two weeks. Both lanes of the bridge will remain open during the project; however, a lane shift through the bike lane may be enacted.
  • Army Corps to dredge Barnegat Inlet and place sand off Harvey Cedars, NJ

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced details for an upcoming project that will involve dredging the Barnegat Inlet navigation channel and placing the sand in the nearshore area off Harvey Cedars, N.J.