Archive: September, 2021
  • Army Corps shares details on final recreational water release of season at Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District announced the schedule for the final water release of the recreation season for the Francis E. Walter Dam in White Haven, PA.
  • Army Corps to host virtual public meetings on Nassau County Back Bays Study on Sept. 29, Oct. 6

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting virtual public meetings on the Nassau County Bays Coastal Storm Risk Management Study on Sept 29 and Oct 6.
  • Army Corps to draw down Blue Marsh Lake reservoir in advance of forecasted rain

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers Philadelphia District has announced it will draw down the reservoir at Blue Marsh Lake in advance of significant forecasted rainfall. Blue Marsh Lake is located on the Tulpehocken Creek, a tributary of the Schuylkill River, about four miles northwest of Reading, Pa. Reservoir drawdowns are done to create additional upstream runoff capacity in the reservoirs. Given the wet ground conditions, Blue Marsh Lake will be drawn down to elevation 287 (down from its normal summer elevation of 290). Water releases will increase from 420 cubic feet per second to approximately 1500 cubic feet per second on September 21 until mid-day on Wednesday.   
  • Army Corps to host virtual public meetings Sept 20, 21 on New Jersey Back Bays Study

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is hosting virtual public meetings on Sept 20 and 21 on the New Jersey Back Bays Coastal Storm Risk Management Study. In August, USACE released a draft report for the study. The report outlines a ‘Tentatively Selected Plan’ framework, which includes three storm surge barriers, two cross-bay barriers, and the elevation of more than 18,000 structures to reduce the risk of flood damages associated with storm surge. During the virtual public meetings, study team members will present a summary of the report findings and answer questions
  • Army Corps updates water release schedule for Francis E. Walter Dam

    The U.S. Army Corps Engineers’ Philadelphia District updated the 2021 Francis E. Walter Dam recreation plan. The Army Corps updated the plan, which states whitewater and fisheries releases will be scheduled if enough water storage is accumulated in the reservoir.
  • Boat Launches Remain Closed at Blue Marsh Lake

    Due to heavy rains from Tropical Storm Ida and the resulting runoff, the boat launches at Blue Marsh Lake remain closed to the public. The lake level is currently nine feet above the normal summer pool. With key gaging stations on the Schuylkill River below flood stage, this morning dam operators began to reduce water levels in the lake by increasing outflow to 3000 cubic feet per second.
  • Boat Launches Closed at Blue Marsh Lake

    Due to heavy rains from Tropical Storm Ida, the boat launches at Blue Marsh Lake are closed to the public. The lake level is five feet above the normal summer pool and still rising. The dam will continue to impound water until the level of the Schuylkill River drops enough to allow for releases from the dam. There is no projection of when the lake levels will drop to a level that will allow the launches to open.