The applicant requests authorization to discharge 3,000 cubic yards of clean sand over an 1.06-acre area below the high tide line with high marsh plantings for the reestablishment of coastal salt marsh; discharge 1,766 cubic yards of Armor Stone over 0.56-acre area below the high tide line for the creation of a rubble mound sill for erosion protection along edge of restored marsh area; and discharge 3,200 cubic yards of EcoConcrete reef balls over a 0.36-acre area below the high tide line for the creation of an off-shore artificial oyster reef for habitat enhancement and marsh edge erosion protection.
For additional project details, see the attached plans identified as: “NJDEP Permit Plans for Living Shoreline Project at Pages Point; Cattus Island, Block 444, Part of Lot 77, Township of Toms River, Ocean County, New Jersey,” prepared by Colliers Engineering and Design, dated February 29, 2024, revised July 10, 2024, sheets 1 through 9.