

2013-490-83 H&H Fisheries

Published Oct. 16, 2015
Expiration date: 11/12/2015

The applicant has applied for a Department of the Army authorization to authorize existing structures, including modifications to the previous development, at the subject site along Mill Creek and Skunk Sound within the Township of Lower, Cape May County, New Jersey. The attached project plans (Enclosure 1) proposes to authorize structures that have been previously reconstructed or reconfigured on site. These structures include: approximately two hundred (~ 200 LF) linear feet of vinyl replacement bulkhead; existing floating docks measuring 4.5' x 48', 6' x 95.5', 6' x 28', 6' x 130' and 6' x 27.5'; five (5) finger docks each measuring 3' x 11'; one (1) 8' x 16.5' kayak float; one (1) 2.5' x 16' ramp; one (1) 4' x 20' ramp associated with the ongoing use of this site for recreational boating slips. In addition to the recreational docking structures, the applicant is seeking authorization for one (1) 19' x 50' fixed pier and one (1) 35' long irregular shaped pier for use in their commercial fishing operations. The project plans also propose to authorize approximately three hundred and fourteen (~ 314 CY) cubic yards of fill placed behind the currently serviceable bulkhead. The fill was placed prior to the applicant's purchase of the marina when the historic/natural shoreline was reinforced through the placement of approximately two hundred (~ 200 LF) linear feet of vertical bulkhead. No additional fill is proposed at this time. The Corps of Engineers is soliciting comments from the public; Federal, State, and local agencies and officials; Indian Tribes; and other interested parties in order to consider and evaluate the impacts of this proposed activity. Any comments received will be considered by the Corps of Engineers to determine whether to issue, modify, condition or deny a permit for this proposal.