


Published July 13, 2016
Expiration date: 8/13/2016

Borough of Avalon application for the permanent maintenance of the road to confined disposal facility (CDF) site located on Macchia’s (Graven’s) Island. Additional details are available in the Public Notice & Plans document. 

On September 6, 2013, this office issued a verification of Nationwide Permits 16 and 33 for A) the temporary construction of a 2156 linear foot temporary road through tidal marsh and navigable waters for the removal of dredged materials from the Borough of Avalon's confined disposal facility (CDF) site located on Macchia’s (Graven’s) Island and B) return water discharge associated with the removal of dredged materials. The work included the following: A) discharge of approximately 2.17 acre of fill within tidal marsh for the 2156 feet of road construction; B) placement of a CDF outfall extending approximately 110 linear feet waterward of the mean high water line; C) a timber matted equipment access extending approximately 90 feet waterward of the mean high water line of Graven’s Thorofare, and D) the discharge of return water from the CDF. The approval was conditioned to require the removal of all fill and structures in regulated areas (including fill in wetlands and structures waterward of the mean high water line) no later than February 8, 2015 with final restoration of all aquatic resources, including return of grades and final re-vegetation, to be completed no later than May 22, 2015. The approval was later modified on December 9, 2013 and October 24, 2014 to allow for revised impacts of a maximum of 2.035 acre of wetland fill and extension of time for complete removal and restoration of the road by June 15, 2016. It should also be noted that the project included placement of four culverted crossings of small tidal streams waterward of the mean high water line. These crossings received advanced approval as temporary from the U.S. Coast Guard on October 13, 2013. 

On June 15, 2016, this office received an application from the Borough of Avalon for the permanent maintenance of the road to the CDF. The applicant has also mentioned that it is the intent of the applicant that the road will be subject to inspection prior to future contracted use or specific project. As necessary there would be need for routine maintenance work on the road surface course to re-establish its thickness and width for safe use. They also mention that such maintenance would be limited to the wetland fill approved on December 9, 2013 as described on the plans attached to this notice. The applicant continues that further modification to the CDF is also proposed to create a ramp in both uplands and originally-approved road fill when access is required in order for vehicles to cross the CDF berm.