
Archive: August, 2016
  • 2016-00755

    Expiration date: 9/30/2016

    The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has now requested authorization to continue placement of artificial reef materials within the fifteen (15) previously authorized sites in the Atlantic Ocean. The current proposal consists of the following specific actions: (1) to continue deployment of artificial reef materials at the 15 existing reef sites; and (2) to add 2 additional artificial reef sites to the state-wide program bringing the total number of artificial reef sites along the coast of New Jersey to 17. The locations of the artificial reef sites are identified in the attachment. NOTE: Public Notice was amended with accurate clearance information on August 26, 2016.

  • 2016-00266-64

    Expiration date: 9/24/2016

    Toms River Township Garfield Avenue Boat Ramp. The proposed project involves the construction of a public boat ramp and access driveway with a K-turn lane (for boat trailer maneuvering/turn around), finger pier and elevated pedestrian walkway.

  • 2015-167-24

    Expiration date: 9/2/2016

    On October 15, 2015, this office issued Department of the Army permit number CENAP-OP-R-2015-167-24 to the Borough of Stone Harbor. The permit authorizes dredging of accumulated sediments from various lagoons and bay-front areas within the Borough of Stone Harbor, including private boat slips. Dredging is authorized to a depth of 6 feet below mean lower low water (MLLW), with an additional 2 feet of "over-dredge" allowance, for a total maximum allowable depth of 8 feet below MLLW. This equates to a depth of 6.16 feet below mean low water (MLW), or 8.16 feet below MLW with the over-dredge. This permit includes authorization for 10 years of maintenance dredging. The permit expires December 31, 2025. The permittee is seeking authorization to switch from hydraulic dredging, with geotextile tube dewatering, to mechanical or bucket dredging, with transport of material by barge or scow, for the next phase of work. The permittee proposes to keep both options available for any future maintenance to be done under the life of the permit, which expires at the end of 2025.