
  • 2015-1204

    Expiration date: 7/8/2016

    Paulsboro Natural Pipeline Gas Company, LLC (PNGPC) is seeking authorization from the Federal Regulatory Commission (FERC) under sections 7(b) and 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) to relocate, remove, replace, in part, and abandon in place, in part, an existing approximate 2.6 mile long 6-inch and 8-inch diameter natural gas pipeline with a 12 inch and 24 inch pipeline, extending across the Delaware River between Delaware County, Pennsylvania and Gloucester County, New Jersey. The sole customer served by the pipeline is the Paulsboro Refining Company (PRC). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is the lead Federal agency in the preparation of the necessary Nation Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for this project and is addressing all related work as part of their review. FERC’s Docket Number for this proposal is CP-16-27-000. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District is a cooperating agency in the preparation of the Environmental assessment (EA) for this project. This proposed activity also requires Department of the Army authorization.

  • 2011-00092-64

    Expiration date: 6/18/2016

    The applicant is proposing to conduct mechanical maintenance dredging within the White Clay Creek (New Castle County, DE) in the vicinity of the two (2) intake structures on an as-needed basis throughout the year; and it is anticipated that dredging would be performed approximately twelve (12) times per year. The exact frequency of dredging will be adjusted according to the conditions. The total volume of dredged materials will be approximately 1,250 cubic yards per year. The project site is located at the intake structures at SUEZ Water Delaware Inc. water treatment facility (a.k.a. Stanton Water Treatment Plant), on the White Clay Creek near the creek confluence with Red Clay Creek. Plans for the proposed work are attached to this public notice (Exhibits E-1 through E-6).

  • 2016-0271

    Expiration date: 5/26/2016

    The applicant proposes to remove accumulated sediment from within an existing marina. Dredging would occur at Block 1061, Lot 101, in the City of Cape May, Cape May County, New Jersey/Disposal site would be at Block 793, Lot 15.07, in Lower Township, Cape May County, New Jersey. Approximately eight thousand (8000) cubic yards of material would be removed from approximately three (3) acres of the waterway.

  • 2010-0512

    Expiration date: 5/26/2016

    The applicant proposes to remove accumulated sediment from within an existing marina. Dredging to occur at Block 1408, Lots 2.01 and 2.04, in the City of Somers Point, Atlantic County, New Jersey/Disposal site would be at Block 793, Lot 15.07, in Lower Township, Cape May County, New Jersey.

  • 2016-0147

    Expiration date: 5/26/2016

    The applicant proposes to maintain structures that were constructed on the project site at the Manasquan River in the Borough of Brielle, Monmouth County, New Jersey. The applicant received a New Jersey State Programmatic General Permit Number 19 on May 14, 1996, from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to construct structures at the above referenced site. The construction activities took place on the site in 2013. The structures that were constructed on the site were not constructed as the plot plan that was approved by the NJDEP (See E-2 that is attached to this document for what was approved by the NJDEP). The applicant's stated purpose is to legalize structures that allow for the mooring of private boats for access to the waterway.