
  • 2015-1105-85

    Expiration date: 12/19/2015

    The applicant, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, Division of Watershed Stewardship, has applied for a 10-year maintenance dredging permit. The applicant proposes to conduct hydraulic maintenance dredging of the channel to/from the Holts Landing State Park boat ramp to a depth of -4’ MLW measuring approximately 66,420 square feet at Holts Landing State Park in the Indian River Bay, Dagsboro, Sussex County, Delaware. The dredged material will be hydraulically pumped 1,200 linear feet west of the boat ramp and will be utilized to create approximately 55,615 square feet of beach to protect an eroding shoreline. The dimensions of the structures are indicated on the attached plans identified as E-1 through E-4.

  • 2015-1067

    Expiration date: 12/1/2015

    The applicant, Barry Boright has requested a Department of the Army permit to construct a 50’ x 3’ elevated walkway over wetlands, a 10’ x 4’ fixed pier, a 20’ x 3’ aluminum gangway, a 10’ x 6’ floating pier and a 6’x 35’ floating dock adjacent to the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal at 344 Pilottown Road, Tax Map Parcel Number 3-35-4.19-95.02, Lewes, Sussex County, Delaware. The dimensions of the structures are indicated on the attached plans identified as E-1 through E-6.

  • 2004-1529

    The location of the proposed dredging is within the Delaware River adjacent to the applicant's Trainer Refinery, along the northwest shore of the Delaware River, approximately mid-way between the Commodore Barry Bridge and the Delaware State Line, in the Borough of Marcus Hook, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. The water intake is located in the Borough of Trainer (the Borough boundary splits the property). The proposed site for disposal of dredged material is the Whites Basin rehandling basin and associated upland confined disposal facility located on the north side of the Commodore Barry Bridge (U.S. Route 322), in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey. Location maps for the proposed dredging and disposal sites are included.

  • 2012-216 Route 322 Improvement

    Expiration date: 11/22/2015

    The applicant proposes to address deficiencies of the existing US 322 roadway. The US 322 Improvement Project is being undertaken by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration. Currently, the US 322 lane configuration is divided into two typical cross sections: a western section and an eastern section. The western section consists primarily of two lanes with uncontrolled access to both lanes from intersecting roads and driveways. The eastern section, beginning east of the intersection with Cherry Tree Road in Upper Chichester Township, consists of a four lane divided highway and provides semi‐controlled access to one direction of the highway from properties adjacent to the roadway.

  • Info to Assist with Compliance with Nationwide Permit General Condition 18, Endangered Species

    Expiration date: 3/18/2017

    Nationwide Permit: General Condition 18 Information 10/21/2015: The purpose of this document is to provide information for prospective users of the Nationwide Permits (NWPs) that are not federal agencies to help them determine whether a proposed NWP activity requires a pre-construction notification (PCN) to ensure compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA). For the 2012 NWPs, ESA Section 7 compliance is covered by NWP General Condition 18.